If you are approved for a prescription, it typically takes 2-3 business days for the pharmacy to fulfill your prescription and ship it. Once shipped, it generally takes 2 - 5 business days to arrive.
You will receive an email with tracking and carrier (FedEx, UPS, USPS) information once your order ships. You can also find the status of your order in your Cake Meds dashboard in the Orders section of your account under Order Details.
If it's been more than 2-3 business days since you submitted your intake form and you haven't received any tracking information, please check the following:
1) The "Message your doctor" section of your Cake Meds dashboard. Sometimes the doctors need more information from you before they can approve your prescription. Double-check to see if you haven't missed any messages from the doctor.
2) Double-check your payment information. You can update your payment method for your purchase by heading to the "Manage subscriptions" on the main page of your dashboard. From here you'll see the ability to "Update your payment." We are unable to manually update payment information for patients. Please note we do not accept payments linked to HSA or FSA accounts.